Best Strategy to Increase Organic Traffic to your Site

If you want a consistent strategy to increase organic traffic at your site, put all your marketing efforts on search engine optimization and content marketing.

In this blog, you will learn the most important strategy that will drive traffic to your site.

All of these strategies are working great right now-

No matter whether you are a newbie or an experienced SEO, we hope you will get a lot of value from the strategies we have mentioned in this blog post.

1. Use Keywords In the Right Place.

You are probably familiar with the fact that keywords are used to rank the pages. Where to use keywords is equally important as how many keywords you use in the content.

Make sure a keyword must be added to the title of the content. And in the first paragraph.

For instance- If you want to write on food and your keyword is “stress-free foods, “you have to create a title containing this keyword. Look at this heading “Top 5 Stress-Free Foods.”

2. Keep Users on Site Longer

If you are doing digital marketing for several years, you may have heard about the pogo-sticking technique.

In SEO, pogo-sticking is when users click on several sites to search the result that satisfies their search query. For instance,- you search for “stress-free food” in Google, and you click on the first result, but you are not satisfied with the result. So, you get back to Google and again search for the best result. And that’s known as pogo-sticking.

  • If you fail in delivering the satisfying result to your users, Google will drop your rank.
  • Now the question is:
  • How can you keep search users on your site longer?
  • Very simple by adding subheadings, infographics, videos, stats, bullets, and high-quality images. It implies that you need to make content that can satisfy your users’ search queries.
  • These tactics will save you from pogo-sticking.
  • If you want to increase website traffic fast, first you need to work on users’ experience.
  • 3 Find “Suggest” Keywords

When it comes to SEO, everything revolves around keywords. And that’s why keywords suggest is usually the first step to begin an SEO strategy. You can find long-tail keywords by using Google suggest.

For instance, if I want to write on “stress-free food”, I type stress-free food on Google search, and it will populate the suggestions. These are highly targeted keywords because they are directly coming from the Google side.

3. Delete Zombie Pages

How can I get free traffic to my website fast? First, delete the zombie pages because they are useless. And when you remove zombie pages from your site, you can get a higher ranking on Google.

Removing zombie pages decreases the bounce rates and provides a better users experience. It also helps you in improving the quality score awarded by Google. So, if there are zombie pages on your site, then delete them right now.

4. Add Related Keywords in your Content

Adding synonyms and other related keywords in the content are the best organic way of driving traffic to a brand site.

  • Now you may be wondering why to add synonyms and relevant keywords?
  • There is something called “Google Hummingbird”.
  • The purpose of this bird is to allow Google to go beyond target keywords.
  • For instance- If I want to write on “foods” and my target keyword is “Stress-free food,” so I have to add variations of my target keyword, such as, “Stress-free food recipe,” “Stress-free food benefits,” “Stress-free food reviews” and so on.
  • To do that, just search on Google about “Stress-free food”, scroll down to the bottom and use the few searches in your content as the sub-headings.
  • 6 Update Old Pages.

There are many old posts on your website that are just collecting dust. To improve ranking, it is important to update old pages. Even though the content was amazing, it will increase the bounce rate if you avoid giving a major update to the posts.

So, how do you update old posts? Very simple, using the internal links. You can internally link your old post to the new posts. When users read your new blog post and find the link of an old blog post, they will definitely click on it, and that’s how you give rebirth to your old pages.

Read Also: How Content Marketing is Crucial for SEO?

5.  Speed up your website.

Having a poorly performing site can hurt your Google rankings. To increase the website speed, you need to work on CSS, HTML, reduce redirects, leverage browsing caching, optimize images, use a content distribution network, and improve server response time. These are some of the common ways to increase website speed.

  • 8 Promote your Site with Blogger Outreach.
  • After publishing a blog post, what do you do?
  • I think you wait for the users to find your blog.
  • Or you share on social media platforms.

If you do, then it’s great. But you won’t get high traffic to your site fast until you share your blog post with blogger outreach.

Now you may be thinking approaching bloggers to share your content sounds nasty. But, if you do sophistically, it won’t. All you need is to do, send a personalized email to a blogger about your write-ups. If he gets back to you, just shares your blog post with a note, “I hope it will add value to your business.” And if he likes, he will definitely share your content.

Read Also: Top 5 ways to speed up WordPress Website

6. Create Content Around Shoulder Niches

Writing and publishing high-quality content is one of the essential SEO strategies.

But what if your niche is so boring? How would you encourage your audience to read it?

Very simple, create content that is closely related to your niche.

For example- 

If my niche is anxiety, and I want to create an interesting piece of content, how do I create it? Instead of sharing information about anxiety, I can write content on closely related niches like stress-free food, yoga, exercise, and DIY solutions to reduce anxiety.

7. Host a Giveaway Contest

To get the attention of the audience, you can host a giveaway contest. It is one of the simplest ways to increase website traffic fast.

To join your contest, people will enter their emails (which you then add in the subscribers’ list), and once you get the email addresses of your audience, you can share your blog posts daily with their email IDs. If they like your blog posts, they will definitely take a trip to your site daily.

  • Do we miss something?
  • Now we would like to hear from you:
  • Which organic traffic strategy have you been using to get on the first page of Google?
  • Or may we forgot to mention your favorite organic traffic strategy.
  • Either way, you can share your view in the comment section.

We hope this comprehensive guide on “How to increase organic traffic?” helps you a lot. If you are struggling in getting traffic organically, you can get in touch with the best digital marketing agency like us.

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